Lab Innovations – lab automation

26 Oct 2023

This week at Lab Innovations, GAMBICA will be hosting a seminar on lab automation, exploring the benefits of automation for laboratories plus offering contacts and funding to get projects off the ground.

The session will take place on Wednesday 1 November at 3pm in the Insights and Innovations theatre. The schedule is as follows:

-Introduction – Jacqueline Balian, GAMBICA

-Why you should automate, what the challenges might be and case studies of getting real pay-back in practice -  Gary Haynes, SMC UK

-Using data for automation and business improvement projects, a guide for the lab manager – Laurie Wiseman, Binary Vision.

-Using available systems to reduce costs, improve data usability, and improve your data skills – Patrick Courtney, SILA

-Assessing ROI of potential automation projects and how to access the funding to implement them – Steve Smith, Inventya Ltd/Innovate UK Edge

UK labs are somewhat behind on automation and digitisation, there are many great examples in other sectors which could really benefit UK labs. The session will empower lab managers and research scientists to identify projects for their lab that will yield real benefits, while minimising the costs and risks.

Find out more about Lab Innovations and register to attend here.