7 reasons you know you study/work in STEM

07 Nov 2023

To celebrate National STEM Day, we asked the GAMBICA Young Council what it’s really like to work and study in the STEM space. Here’s some funny and inspiring reasons that only a fellow STEM aficionado would understand…

With special thanks to GYC members  – Olivia Evans, Aris Alexoulis, George Brown and Tom Taylor.

1 – You get this joke…


2 – You know that every day is a school day – after all STEM is a constantly evolving field, so you have the opportunity to learn and grow every day.

3 – This feeling… When projects that have been working absolutely fine, stop working when your boss walks in!

4 – The knowledge you’re working at the forefront of research and discovery - you’re proud to be on the front lines of solving the world's biggest problems.

5 - This...

Copyright - Laney Griner

6 –  You’re giving something back to society – STEM workers have a positive impact on humanity by developing new technologies that can improve lives.

7 – This makes you laugh…