It would be an understatement to say that the political and economical situation in the UK is far from the stable platform that business needs to form strategies and drive innovation and growth. This uncertainty is not limited to the UK and global economic and supply issues continue to cause concern for our industry.
As part of our efforts to share knowledge within our community, we commission an economic forecast from Oxford Economics, centred on the industries and global regions that our members supply into. We have timed the forecast to give the most accurate and up-to-date report from Oxford Economics. The forecast comes as a detailed 30+ page report and will be presented at a live webinar on Tuesday 6th December 2022
You can reserve your copy and register for the webinar here

The cost of the report is £135 + VAT per company for members (£310 + VAT for non-members) and you will receive a digital copy that can be shared within your organisation. After you have registered for the report and webinar, you will be able to reserve up to 2 further places on the live webinar for colleagues at no extra cost. (we will send details of this by email after initial registration). You will also be able to share the recording of the webinar much wider within the company.
The live webinar will take place from 09:30 – 12:00 and will be:
- Government update - BEIS
- UK and World macro-economic forecast - Oxford Economics
- UK industry market trends and forecast - Oxford Economics
- Update from GAMBICA Young Council